
Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump. 教学设计4

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Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.

Ss can use the sentence:
Sam is going to ride a horse.
Amy is going to….
She is going to….
He is going to ….
2.Words: eat the fish, play in the park, fly a kite take some pictures, ride a horse, row a boat.




卡片 课件 视频

流 程
学 案
教 程

Step 1
Warm up
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation

Step 4
Text learning

Step 5

Step 6
1.Sing a song.
2.Review the words.
sports day, win ,month, hundred , meter, every day ,good luck, come on.
T: Boys and girls, what can you see in the pictures of activity1?
Ss: I can see….
T: Guess, What are you going to do?
Ss: They are going to run.(with teacher’s help)
OK. Can you guess who will be the winner?
Ss think about and say.
T:Let’s listen ,point and say.

1.T:We know Sam, Amy, Lingling and Daming are going to have a sports day this month.
1.Guess, what are they going to do?
Ss: Sam is gonging to ….
Amy is going to….
Lingling is going to ….
Daming is going to ….
2.T:Now let’s watch the video, and check the answer what are they going to do.
3.Learn: high jump, long jump, subject, the 200 meters and 400 meters, How about….
4.Listen and repeat.
5.Read in roles.
1. Look at activity3 ,ask and answer .
What are you going to do?
I’m going to ….
2.Work in pairs.
3. T: Now we are going to make a plan for sports day. Ss ask, answer and say.
4.Ss finish activity6.
5. Listen and chant.
Step 4: Homework
1.Listen to the tape, read the text freely.
2.Sing the song.
热身导入:1.Sing a song
2.Look and say.
1.Look at the pictures think and say.
2. Listen ,point and say.

1.Ss guess what are the children going to on sports day.

2.Ss talk freely.

3.Listen and repeat.
4. Read in roles.
1.Practice the sentences.
What are you going to do?
I’m going to ….
2.Ss make a plan for sports day, and finish activity6.
3. Listen and chant.

Module 9 Unit 2

What are you going to do?
We’re going to run.
I’m going to do the high jump/
the long jump.
run the 200 meters and 400 meters.
