
Lesson 22 At the Supermarket 习题4

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At the Supermarket

1.Listen and number. 听音,标号。

2.Read and write. 读一读,写出所给单词的同类词。
trousers candy watermelon cinema shirt apple
Supermarket park potato cake pear sweater
a. banana: __________ __________ __________
b. coat: __________ __________ __________
c. ice cream: __________ __________
d. tomato: __________
e. restaurant: __________ __________ __________

3.Circle and write what you like. 圈出你喜欢的食物,再仿照例句写句子。

4.Read and tick. 读对话,根据对话内容在相应的物品下打“√”。
Yang Ling: Let’s go to the supermarket.
Liu Tao: Okay.
Yang Ling: I like this toy car. Do you like it?
Liu Tao: No, I don’t. I like that teddy bear.
Yang Ling: These potatoes are good. I want to buy some.
Liu Tao: I like to buy tomatoes. They are good.

5.What do you want to buy in a supermarket? Draw and say. 你在超市里想买什么?画一画,再跟你的爸爸、妈妈说一说。
In the supermarket,
I want to buy…



2.Banana: watermelon, apple, pear
coat: trousers, shirt, sweater
ice cream: candy, cake,
tomato: potato
restaurant: supermarket, park,cinema

3.I like chicken. I like ice cream.
I like oranges. I like apples.


Banana, watermelon, apple, pear…
Coat, trousers, shirt, sweater…
ice cream, candy, cake…
tomato, potato…

In the supermarket, I want to buy some tomatoes.
a. A: Let’s go to the supermarket. B: Okay. What do you want to buy? A: I want to buy some tomatoes.
b. A: How about some potatoes? B: Okay.
c. A: I want to buy some ice cream. B: Me too. It’s too hot.
d. A: These apples are good. B: How much is one? C: It’s 2 yuan.
e. A: Mum, I want some candy. B: Okay.