
Lesson 18 Lost in the City. 习题1

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Lost in the City

1.Read and match. 读一读,将图与相应的句子连线。

2.Read and write. 读单词,写一写,找规律。
a. far car p__ __k h__ __d
b. ear near h__ __ __ d__ __ __
c. library bicycle l__ke n__ce
d. lunch bus l__ck d__ck
e. sad cap c__t t__xi

3.Look and write. 看图,填空。

(Start) go straight → _________→ go straight → turn left → go straight →
turn right → go straight →_______ → go straight → turn left → go straight
→_________ → go straight → go straight → ________→ go straight
4.What will you do if you are lost? Write it down. Then talk about itwith your partner. 如果你迷路了,你会怎样做呢?写一写,和同伴一起说一说。


1.(1)图3(2)图5 (3)图4 (4)图1 (5)图2 (6)图6

2.a. park hard b. hear dear c. like nice d. luck duck e. cat taxi

3.Turn right, turn right, turn left , turn right

4.b. ask a policeman for help c. make a phone call d. ask a passerby for help e. take a taxi…