
Lesson 15 In the City 习题5

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In the City

1.Listen and draw. 根据听到的内容,画出路线。

2.Match and write. 将短语和相应的图片连线, 抄写短语。

3.Choose the letters to complete the words. Then write the words.选择字母完成单词, 写出单词, 并体会所缺字母的发音。

4.Read and order. 读句子,排序。
( ) Thanks.
( ) I’m lost. Where’s the city library?
( ) Excuse me.
( ) Well, go straight and turn right. You will see the city library.
( ) Yes?
( ) You’re welcome.

5.Let’s play a game. 和同伴一起做游戏! 一个人发命令, 另一个人蒙上眼睛, 重复指令并按照指令行走, 一直走到目的地为止。快来试试吧!
Model: Go straight. Turn left. Go straight...

2.a. go straight b. turn right c. turn left

3.city library street straight right

4.5 3 1 42 6

5.指示路常用语:Go straight. Turn left. Turn right.
Hi, Kitty. Let me help you back home. Go straight. Turn right. Go straight. Turn left. Go straight. Turn right. Go straight. Turn left. There is your home!