
Unit 1 Again,Please! 教学设计1

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Unit 1 Again, please教案

冀教版小学英语4A Unit1 Again, please

知识:1. 掌握本单元的新词汇 skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater,new, old,coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
2. 理解句型This is a red shirt. /I like your ____. It’s nice!/Whose ____is this? Is this your ____?/What day is it? It’s Monday/Tuesday.

重点:掌握本单元所学的新词汇skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater, old,coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
难点:理解并综合运用句型What is he\she wearing? He\She is wearing.


Part 1: Greeting!
1. 师生互致问候
2. 唱歌: Stand up Sit down
3. 操练:老师板书What is he\she doing? He\She is .(带领全班进行问答练习。)
 T:(指一名学生)Stand up please.(指站起来的学生)What is he\she doing?
 Ss: He\She is standing.
 提醒学生___ing意思是此时此刻正在做某事。如:We are___ing.我们正在干或正在做某事。
  比较:Li Ming goes to school every day.
  Li Ming is going to school now.
4. 操练:用问答的形式复习颜色名称
What color is it? Is it ___? Is it ___or___?

Part 2: skirt blouse pants shirt sweater
1. 示范:老师出示各种衣服的卡片或指学生穿的衣服来介绍skirt blouse pants shirt sweater并与学生一起重复读几遍上述单词。
2. 播放录音No.1 What is it? 让学生看书跟读。
3. 讲解pants这个词在英语中是一个有趣的词,指一件东西却是复数形式。这和以前我们曾经接触过的单词scissors(剪刀)是一样的。
4. 操练:老师指着班上所穿的衣服带领学生做如下问答练习 Is this a ___? Yes\No. What is this?
It’s a ___.
Is this a ___or a___? It’s a ___.
T: What are they?(指trousers)
Ss: They are trousers.
T: What color are they? Ss: They are blue.
T: Yes. They are blue trousers. Blue trousers.
T: What is it?(指衬衣)
Ss: It’s a shirt.
T: What color is it?
Ss: It’s white and yellow.
T: (指学生穿的衬衣) What is it? Ss: It’s a shirt.
T: What color is it?
Ss: It’s a ___.
T: Oh yes. It’s a___ shirt.

Part 3: Is this his/her ___?
Teacher holds up a very small hat. Lead the class through a dialogue as follows;
T: Is this your hat?
S1: No.
T: Very good. Is this your hat?
S2: No.
T: Is this your hat? Say it, please, class.
T: Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this?
Ss: Whose hat is this?
T: Whose hat is this? It’s my little son’s hat.
Listen to the tape and guess what happened between Danny and Miss Zhang. Then listen to the tape again and follow.

Part 4: What day is it?
1. Read the day as quickly as you can.
Play “What is missing?”
Play “What day is it?”
2. Sing a song.
Song He’s wearing red trouses
T: Look at this picture. Who is he?
S: He is Li Ming.
T: What is he wearing?
S: He is wearing red trouses.
T: What day is it?
S: It is Sunday.

Part 5: Class over!
1. 做《活动手册》
2. 布置课外作业
3. Say “Goodbye!” to the students.