
Lesson 11 Toys 教学设计5

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Unit 2 Lesson 11 全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 11

1. 知识目标:通过本课的学习,使学生能正确地说、读、写、用下列单词及短语: ball/doll/ kite /skipping rope能正确朗读全篇并领会其意义。
2. 能力目标:通过本课学习,让学生在丰富多彩的游戏活动中熟练运用本课知识,增强学习兴趣,提高英语的交际能力。
3. 情感与价值观:通过丰富多彩的教学活动,使学生感受到学英语的乐趣,从而让他们从内心喜欢学英语,对英语情有独钟。

重点:要求学生学会单词: Ball doll kite skipping rope。
要求学生熟练掌握本课短语: play with a ball/play with a doll/fly a kite/skip with a skipping rope并能在实际情景中运用。
难点:要求学生熟练掌握本课短语: play with a ball/ play with a doll/ fly a kite/ skip with a skipping rope并能在实际情景中运用。

写有下列单词和短语的卡片: jump / read a book / brush our teeth / comb our hair / wash our face/ skip with the skipping rope / fly kite / play catch/ play with the doll

Part 1: Greeting and a free talk
T: Hello, everybody!
S: Good morning teacher.
T: What do you do this morning?
S: I wash my face, brush my teeth and so on.

Part 2: New presentation
1. The teacher shows the pictures.
2. Let the students listen to the tape.
3. The teacher shows the pictures. And let the students say the words.
4. The teacher teach the new words. And make the dialogues.
5. Play the games and help the students to grasp the words.
A. The teacher reads the words.
B. Let the students show the pictures of the new words.
C. The teacher let the students do the actions.
D. Pair work.
E. Use the pictures to play the games.

Part 3: Dialogues
T: What’s your favourite toy?
S: Toy car.
T: What color is it ?
S: It’s blue.

Part 4: Group work
Copy the words
Read the text

Part 5: Class over
1. Homework
2. Say goodbye to the students.