
Lesson 8 TV and phone 教学设计3

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Unit 2 Lesson 8 全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 8

1. 知识方面:
通过本课的学习,学生应掌握(说、认识和口头运用)下列词汇: TV telephone computer radio;
要求学生练习并能认识下列词汇:watch TV/talk on the telephone/play on the computer/listen to the radio
2. 能力方面:

重点:掌握及运用TV telephone computer radio
难点:运用TV telephone computer radio

英语课本 活动手册 字母卡片 录音带及相关实物

Part1: Class opening and review

Part 2: New concepts
1. TV, computer, radio, telephone
2. Show a poster. There are TV, computer, telephone, radio, etc in this picture.
3. Ask the students: What’s in this poster?
4. Study these new words: TV, computer, radio, telephone.
5. Chant:
What is it? What is it? What is- it? TV,TV,T-V.
What is it? What is it? What is- it? Computer, computer, com-puter.
What is it? What is it? What is- it? Radio, radio, ra-dio.
What is it? What is it? What is- it? Telephone, telephone, tele-phone.

Part 3: Phrase
Talk on the telephone, watch TV, play on the computer, listen to the radio.
1. Show picture.
2. Ask the students:
What’s Li Ming doing? (打电话)
What’s Li Ming doing? (看电视)
What’s Li Ming doing? (打电脑)
What’s Li Ming doing? (听收音机)
3. Study these new phrases: talk on the telephone, watch TV, play on the computer, listen to the radio.
4. Drill
Ask some volunteers to come the front to act these actions.
T: What’s he\she doing?
What are they doing?
C: Talking on the telephone\Watching TV\Playing on the computer\Listening to the radio.

Part 4: Practice
1. Look at CAI with some questions.e.g:
When does Jenny leave school?
What Jenny will do the first when she gets home?
What Jenny will do after supper?
What Jenny will do when she goes to bed?
2. Try to answer these questions.
3. Look at CAI again.
4. Follow the CAI.
5. Read this passage.

Part 5: Class closing
According to the content that studied, act it in groups.
Writing on the blackboard
Lesson 8: TV and phone
TV watch TV
Phone talk on the phone
Computer play on the computer
Radio listen to the radio