
Lesson 15 In the City 教学设计3

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Unit 3 Lesson 15全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 15

1. 知识与技能:本课要求学生会口头运用单词和短语:office, stairs, turn right, turn left, go straight.会运用句子:Where are you going? To the___. 能听懂简单的要求做出适当的动作。


磁带,单词卡片 学校地图

Step1: Warm-up
1. Say hello to the Ss with the music.
Hello! Boys and girls, nice to meet you!
Show me your left hand and right hand , let’s dance!
2. Sing and dance, Left and Right.(兔子舞)

Step2: Presentation

1. Listen and do, learn the new phrases.
Show me your left hand and right hand.
Please turn left, turn right, go along.(师分别做示范,学生边做动作边说词组。)
Read the new phrases: turn left , turn right, go along.
2. Game: Find the way.
S1 comes to the front and close the eyes. The others tell him to find the way to the destination.
T: Please go there. (师说出所要到达的教室中的某一具体地方。)
Ss: Go along, then turn left, go along, Ok!(其他学生给蒙眼的同学指路,到达老师所要求的目的地。)
Show the six pictures .
T: xi’an is very beautiful. There are some buildings in the xi’an.
Put five pictures of the buildings ( cinema, hospital, museum, postoffice, zoo ) in each group,
Ss describe the buildings in a word.
T: This building is close by group 1.
Ss say close by after the T.
Put the picture of park far from.
T: Is it close by?
Ss: No, it isn’t.
T: It isn’t close by. It’s far from.
Ss read far from here.
4. T puts on the bag and hat.
T: What am I going to do?
Ss: Travel.
T: You are so clever! How can I get to the park? (板书) Is it far from here?
Ss: Yes , it is. Go along, then turn left, go along, then turn right. (老师在学生的提示下走到公园建筑物图片前。)
T: Thank you very much.
5. How can I get to the park? (板书) Read the new sentence.
6. Activity:

S1 acts like Sam, Amy, Ss ask him how can I get to…? Before S1 guessing the pictures have changed.

Step3: Practice
T: There’s another visitor comes to Xi’an city. And he has two questions.
How can I get to the zoo?
Is it far from here?
2. Listen to the text.
3. Answer the questions.
How can I get to the zoo?
Is it far from here?
Read it together.

Step4: Consolidation
1. Group work: Find the treasury.
2. Make a dialogue in groups and act it out.

Step5: Sum up
Lesson 8 Turn right
How can I get to the museum
←turn left ↑go along →turn right